Cotr Collective Agreement

13.2.3 If the College has notified the Faculty Association of its intention to introduce technological changes, the Parties undertake to meet within the next thirty (30) calendar days to reach an agreement on solutions to the problems arising from this change, as they affect regular teaching staff. The Parties (CORFA and COTR) agree to review and renew, revise or discontinue this Interim Agreement in April 2010. 3. Training provided under a written partnership agreement in the framework of a public-private or public partnership 7. A faculty member who sets the release time may schedule this release time by mutual agreement with their supervisor once a separate unit of release time has accumulated. The faculty member`s schedule will be modified over the next year to average the workload. If this is not possible, the faculty member will set up the overloaded work for the release period within three years. The measurement of a discrete unit varies from one program to another (weeks, sections, etc.). Any interpretation of the collective agreement on behalf of the College must be confirmed by the Director General of Human Resources. Changes shall be made by mutual agreement.

Approval shall be based on compliance with the objectives described in point Nothing in this Agreement prevents a potential employee from being hired at a salary above the minimum required by this Section. Political Complaint: A complaint by the association that may relate to a matter of general policy or the general application of the collective agreement. All political complaints must begin in Step 2. 15.4 Any document referred to the personnel file that constitutes disciplinary action must be signed by the employee as proof of receipt of a copy. The employee`s signature does not imply approval of the content of the document. The employee`s refusal to sign such documents does not preclude their inclusion in the personnel file. This option is subject to corfa`s consent, which must be obtained before the instructor`s consent can be obtained, but CORFA`s consent cannot be unreasonably withheld.

This letter of intent applies to the faculty of the Collège des Rocheuses, who will be reinstated after retirement. The parties agree to establish a new class of workers in the collective agreement in order to reinstate teachers after the normal retirement age. The following conditions describe this category of employment: By mutual agreement between the instructor and the Xxxx/delegate, an instructor is deemed to have a full teaching load if the instructor can be assigned by mutual agreement to the regular part-time employee to work more than one hundred percent (100%) if: The Collège des Rocheuses (COTR) and the College of the Rockies Faculty Association (CORFA) of the following: Interim agreement for the faculty that offers the online courses, continuous admission, self-learning courses in local government management: 4. However, if the market prescribes lower prices and the faculty member and college mutually agree, the faculty member may be paid less. In such circumstances, the College will encourage the faculty member to discuss these rates with CORFA before entering into such an agreement. The parties agree to the following amendments to the collective agreement, all of which will come into force on April 1, 2020: 5. A regular faculty member, with the consent of their supervisor, can perform bargaining unit work that exceeds an annual workload in one year, and a bank works at a future release period. 1. Recognizing that the pilot assessment tool and the process developed were finalized by the Joint Committee during the term of the 2014-2019 collective agreement, but that the challenges identified in the proposed evaluation process agree to continue the Joint Committee on Personnel Evaluation and Performance Review to address these challenges.

The time limits referred to in this Article may be extended by mutual agreement between the Parties. 1.2 If either or both parties have announced that they will enter into collective bargaining in accordance with the procedures set out in the Industrial Relations Act and collective bargaining continues beyond the anniversary date of this Agreement, this Agreement shall remain in effect for the duration of the collective bargaining. 13.2.5 If the parties are unable to reach an agreement within sixty (60) calendar days of the date on which the Faculty Association received notice from the College of their intention to introduce technological changes and various matters remain unresolved, either party may submit such matters to arbitration within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the non-agreement. With the exception of the APL, which is a work that the College may entrust to a faculty member, the participation of a faculty member in the work described in this letter is voluntary. (CorFA receives a copy of all individual agreements developed in accordance with this letter.) The College of the Rockies (the College) and the College of the Rockies Faculty Association (CORFA) agree that the following provision applies to department heads for the duration of this collective agreement. Subject to clause 2.2.6, work normally performed by members of the collective bargaining unit, as described in clause 5.1, may only be outsourced if there is a prior written agreement between the employer and the association. 2. For time spent outside the bargaining unit, the faculty member and the college shall determine by mutual agreement whether the faculty member receives direct remuneration or an exemption period. Such a release period may be scheduled immediately or set in accordance with section 5 below. 6. If there is no adjunct faculty member with a right of first refusal to do the work, a faculty member, with the consent of his or her supervisor, may perform bargaining unit work that exceeds an annual workload in one year and the bank that works at a future termination period during the term.

The college will notify the association before offering the overload to the faculty member. If the release time is not scheduled during the term, the faculty member will receive a payment for bank time at the end of their appointment. This form is used on the first day of the Business Administration Courses, from September 8, 2009 until the last date of the course period (April 30, 2010). The workload is adjusted accordingly. Faculty and department heads will work together throughout the academic year to determine if and when the number of students requires a change in workload. Given the nature of this agreement, it was agreed that at the end of the academic year, a certain number of contact hours may be due or deposited that would be transferred. When the matter is submitted to arbitration, the parties meet to select a mutually acceptable arbitrator. In the event that no amicable settlement can be reached, either party may, after a period of ten (10) business days, request in writing the other party to the Minister of Labour of the Province of British Columbia to appoint an arbitrator. 1.3 Both parties to this Agreement will do their best to ensure that the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement are not breached. 13.2.6 One hundred and twenty (120) calendar days from the date of notification, the College may make the anticipated technological change until the dispute is resolved by mutual agreement or arbitration. 3.3.1 In accordance with section 53 of the Industrial Relations Act, the College and the Association agree to attend regular meetings of the Faculty`s Labour and Administration Committee. These meetings will attempt to resolve issues informally; clarification of the wording of collective agreements; and to endeavour to find acceptable solutions to other matters which fall within the amicable competence of this Committee.

The Committee`s mandate does not include an agreement to amend the terms of the collective agreement. The parties agree to the following clarification of the wording of the collective agreement with respect to the seniority list and functional areas: All regular employees must provide satisfactory proof to xxxx/Delegate within one (1) month of completion of the professional development obligation that they have fulfilled the order and achieved the objectives for which the period of service was approved. The Order undertakes to deduct from the salary of an employee covered by this Agreement the amount of the membership fees of the faculty association determined in accordance with the statutes of the faculty association. This amount will be sent without delay to the Faculty Association, together with a list of the names of the employees whose dues have been deducted, their employment status and the amount of dues currently deducted from each employee. Tasks and responsibilities are assigned to the head of department by xxxx. These tasks include the ongoing support of appropriate training xxxx in the day-to-day general management, monitoring and coordination of a department; Management of curricula, standards and departmental instructions; and the relationship between the faculty of the department and other heads of department and the xxxx(s) of teaching, as well as between the department and the staff of the sites involved in the programs and courses comparable to those of the Cranbrook department. References or personnel records relating to a regular employee who has been dismissed in accordance with section 13.1 shall clearly indicate the reasons for the termination. .