Example of Client Counsellor Contract

There are no established requirements for a counseling contract, but a good rule of thumb is to include details on the following topics: You`ve done the hard work and are enjoying a new and exciting career as a counselor or psychotherapist, so why is it worth thinking about specializing then? Although some of us may avoid it. An example of a standard contract can be found here. It is important that all interactions between a consultant and a client are combined into a single contract. It primarily describes confidentiality guidelines, but also includes the frequency and duration of meetings, a commitment to advice and limitations, consultation fees, and other concerns. • Type of consulting work – this is a very short (a small introductory paragraph about how you work. == References ===== External links ===* Official website that you carry out regular progress checks; that you work until the agreed end of the consultation work; that the customer « may feel worse before they feel better » etc…). It is recommended that consultation contracts be submitted in writing, if necessary, to ensure clarity (see NCS Code of Ethics, point 9). Submission in the form of a written document can also provide the necessary space for legal intervention if the conditions are not met. A « consulting contract » (or « consulting contract ») is a mutual agreement between the consultant and the client in which the structure of the therapeutic working alliance is presented. I will discuss this contract with you at your first meeting, and it is open to mutually agreed changes and additions. A consulting contract ensures that the consultation process is carried out in a good, safe and professional manner and highlights the consultant`s responsibilities to clients as well as the client`s responsibilities to the consultant. A consultation contract is also a transparent basis for informed consent.

It is important to use clear, concise and non-jargony language. It`s also helpful to keep some parts of the contract template flexible so you can tailor your contract to a variety of customers. This is usually the time of sessions/number of sessions, etc. The consulting contract does not have to be a long document. This is usually a single page (maximum two pages) and contains a list of important elements to create a secure, confidential and professional consulting service. As a rule, a consultant will present orally the main points of the consulting contract before the start of the sessions to ensure that his client is satisfied with the conditions of the work performed. This first oral presentation allows customers to ask questions and clarify the points of the contract on which they are not clear. The consultant can then present the details discussed in a written document signed by both the consultant and the client. If you are working with children, youth or vulnerable adults who need informed consent to be obtained from a parent, primary caregiver or relevant third party, be sure to add a section to the contract that allows you to collect names, signatures and data for such consent. Please read more about working with these customers through NCS`s backup policy. • GDPR – www.nationalcounsellingsociety.org/blog/general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr-and-data-protection/.

• Details of relevant company memberships and information on independent complaint procedures • Number of meetings for which it was originally agreed. • National Counselling Society (NCS) Code of Ethics www.nationalcounsellingsociety.org/members/information/benefits/. • Privacy information (including details on when confidentiality may need to be breached and to whom this breach may be addressed) • Brief details on record keeping/notes and the method of protecting confidential data. You can also provide brief details about the relevant qualifications and the name of your liability insurer. This short online course is free for all ncsian members until 31 May 2018 (thereafter £15) and offers you 4 hours of CPD. More information on ethical work can be found in the following online workshop: • Details on why the consultation may not be able to continue (except due to an agreed session conclusion) – i.e. any contraindications that may lead to conflicts of interest or affect ethical boundaries. (Ref.: NCS Code of Ethics www.nationalcounsellingsociety.org/about-us/code-of-ethics/.) • Where and when the sessions will take place (para.

B weekly intervals at « Address ») We are pleased to announce an exciting new partnership with our new member of the organization, the EMDR Center, to offer NCS members an exclusive training opportunity. We are aware of this in the PA. Please see the members section of the website under « Benefits » for more details: www.counsellingcpd.org/product/ethical-practice/. This course is worth it, even if it only refreshes the in-depth knowledge you may already have on the subject. .