Zoom Agreement for Students

We appreciate your support during this difficult time and are working very hard to keep our students engaged and supported. Please take a moment to thank your students` teachers – they work harder/longer than if the school were in session. We miss the sounds of the students in the hallways and we can`t wait to get back to school at some point. While these six arrangements worked very well in the classrooms I attended, by the end of the day you know your students and your class better. Do what works for you and your needs in the classroom. If you like these agreements, I`ve created a free resource that you can use with your students. You can check it in my TpT shop or more directly via this link. If you haven`t established agreements or rules for online morning meetings, now is the time to get started. Morning meeting agreements are essential to digital classroom management. I`ve compiled a list of six morning meeting rules that all classrooms should follow. Hopefully, schools, parents and K-12 students are aware of this clear wording and will pay attention to it. Apparently, in their rush for virtual learning during the Covid-19 spring shutdown, some K-12 schools have asked students to download the Zoom app and create their own Zoom account – using their school`s email address – to reduce Zoombombing. As EdSurge reported in March 2020, « students should never create an account in Zoom, » « there it can cause problems for districts. » If you are an administrator of an organization that provides educational services to students under the age of 18, contact Zoom using the following contact information for information about the information in this statement.

What is it like to be prepared and ready? What does it look like? What does it do? These are questions I ask my students when we enter into these agreements. Being prepared and ready can vary from class to class, and it`s important to have clear and regular expectations of children. Zoom for Education has been adopted by thousands of schools across the country. Zoom began marketing to K-12 schools in November 2019, ahead of the Covid pandemic. Zoom has also created a website specifically for education: zoom.us/education. Zoom has called its educational platform Zoom for K-12 service, but apparently Zoom NOW claims they are not a school service instead of facing the privacy and transparency requirements for contracted school service providers in Colorado law. More information about this below, but first we`ll focus on sharing third-party data and cookies from Zoom. To give children predictability and routine, they also need a schedule to follow. Encouraging (and requiring) students to be on time helps start their study day online, as does being on time for school. At the same time, do not forget to have realistic expectations, flexibility and pay attention to different domestic situations. I usually allow my students to speak freely within the first 5 minutes of the morning meeting. You can chat and greet each other to start our meeting.

Then, when it`s time to move on, I`ll mute everyone. « . There are still areas of privacy where Zoom is not up to the task, including limited but still targeted use of advertising and tracking by third parties that can affect K-12 students. (Ads don`t appear on Zoom itself, but on other websites that kids visit after use.) « The development of a hand lifting system gives students the opportunity to make their voices heard. Whether you choose a thumbs up, a raiser, or any other gesture, I recommend using a system to call students. Depending on their policies, settings, and how they use Zoom products to provide educational services, the school or organization that provides educational services may display or share the following personal information of students attending meetings or webinars in their account. The use and disclosure of student information by the school or other organization is subject to the policies of the school or educational organization, not those of Zoom. Zoom does not allow children to make personal information publicly available through the use of Zoom products. When you click Zoom, you`ll see « api.zoom.us, blog.zoom.us, connectnz.zoom.us, facebook.zoom.us, google.zoom.us, imauth.zoom.us, investors.zoom.us, launcher.zoom.us, log.zoom.us, recurly-callout.zoom.us, support.zoom.us, www3.zoom.us, www.zoom.us, zoom.us, zuora-callout.zoom.us » In the United States, schools or educational institutions must have parental consent or Obtain legal guardian practices regarding third-party app data.

By installing a third-party application, these schools or other educational institutions agree to obtain the consent of parents or guardians and must themselves consent to the disclosure of students` personal information to the third-party application when installing the application. If students are able to do so, they can communicate with you and their classmates in person when asked to turn on their video. This agreement is crucial not only for the community, but also to ensure the safety of students. With topics like zoombombing and hacking on the rise in digital classrooms, you can always know exactly who`s in your room with all the attendees « in front of the camera. » As we do our best to support Weston students with online teaching opportunities, I need to let you know about the tools we use and some precautions I have for you. If you look at Zoom for Education`s privacy assessment via Common Sense Media, you can see that they say that Zoom is clearly marketed as a school goal and is aimed at students « who are primarily used, designed, and marketed by students in classes before kindergarten to Grade 12. » « We collect students` personal information only to provide the K-12 Zoom service to the school subscriber, and not for marketing or advertising purposes, and with the limited exception of our service providers, we do not share any personal information about K-12 students with other parties » Students may either physically raise their hands, Either Zoom offers a hand lift button, which students can press to draw the host`s attention. I found a Google Chrome extension that you can use for Google Meet. I`ve never used it before, so read a few reviews before downloading. I saw my fair share of beds, pajamas, TV screens and more at the morning meeting online. If your students are something like the little ones I`ve been with, they`re busier than ever. A useful tip for classroom management is to make an agreement or rule that all students must make a video call from a productive room. This Children`s Education Privacy Statement (« Statement ») describes the personal information we collect, use or disclose from students under the age of 18 when they receive educational services from schools and other organizations that use Zoom Video Communication, Inc.`s (« Zoom ») meetings, webinars or messaging platforms to provide educational services to children. This statement supplements Zoom`s privacy policy and only applies if the account settings selected by a school or organization confirm that it provides educational services to children under the age of 18.

Students must also remain silent unless asked to speak. Most teachers have already discovered the wonders of the mute button, but it`s a good idea to remind students why teachers use it. Zoom uses personal information collected from students to perform the following activities: You can give students several examples of what a productive space looks like. For example, a productive space can be a desk, table, sofa, or chair. When I notice that one of my students is not attending the call from a productive room, I remind everyone of this standard without calling anyone. Honestly, as a mother, I think I speak for most parents when I say that Zoom for Education (and all virtual learning companies) should be required to tell parents how their children`s voice, video, and data is being used, and that parents need to know who else has access to our children`s information. .