Document Contractuel Def

[Contractual documents] The term is most often used in the plural because it refers to the combined components that define the market as a whole. The contract is, in a way, subordinate to the content of the contractual documents. 753. According to common sense, a document may be the subject of any object, provided that it is the medium of information. This is the concept maintained by the normative definition of the document. « A document is the set of an information and data carrier that it contains in a general, durable and human-readable form or by a . 750. The tender specifications have a dual role. On the one hand, they allow the parties to be aware of their rights and obligations. On the other hand, they make it possible to prove the existence or content of the contract in the event of a dispute.

It is necessary to take this concept into account (section 1) before taking into account the formal requirements (section 2) and the conditions of applicability (section 3), then the main insurance documents (section 4) and finally their interpretation (section 5). Public administration > contractual document of the public contract In practice, the terms synonymous contract and contract refer to the instrumental act, that is, to the writing establishing the agreement between the contracting parties, the contract. For this reason, in Quebec, the term « agreement » is sometimes used to refer to the contractual documents that materialize the legal act that constitutes the contract. The tender specifications shall include, in particular, the price list, the specifications, the tenders, the tender documents, the tender or the tender. 752. The concept of document in the ordinary sense(1) is broader than its concept in the legal sense. 751. A contractual document must first be a document (Article 1) to be considered contractual (Article 2). Contractual documents are characterised by their diversity (§ 3).

. Any element of the contract which is intended either to define its subject-matter or to lay down the detailed rules for its performance and performance. . . .